Welcome To My Team
Chip, Guy and Peter
Chip Smith
Veteran Sportrap World Champion 2021
I met Chip at Bisley Shooting Ground over 15 years ago. His patient and rather sarcastic, straightforward approach appealed to me and he soon became my coach, mentor and friend.
After I left Bisley, Chip soon followed bringing with him an enormous amount of experience in both coaching and shooting. I always remind him he has been shooting longer than I have been born. He hates me mentioning that!!! Over time Chip has gained many Caps for both England and Great Britain FITASC Shooting teams and has more team Golds medals than I could ever imagine.
The overriding passion for success for his professional shooting transfers to his coaching. He puts 100% into every lesson to encourage and help shooters improve and shoot to their very best. We often both work together with shooters and try different techniques and ideas as you never stop learning.
As my coach I would not have succeeded both personally and professionally without his help and I have always maintained that trying to train a hormonal female coach who knows it all, is one of his hardest challenges he has ever had.
Guy Peacock
I was introduced to Guy at Bisley Shooting Ground over 10 years ago where we worked brilliantly together and became good friends.
On leaving Bisley, Guys help and support has been invaluable. From helping me with my GBS cartridges and dealing directly with manufactures to arranging delivery and storage. All those cartridges he moves for me I am surprised he does not look like Popeye!
Guy then proceeded to take on the organisation of our team, equipment and activaties at Pennyhill Park and Spa in Bagshot. This part of the business continues throughout the year which he runs so professionally.
Guy also helps me run Poets Day and Mainstone Masters, well actually he runs it without me! Joins in with the coaching at our Simulated Game Days and much, much more. To run a team who you can rely on, who never let you down and are always there to help, makes GBS what it is. Without Guy we would not be the same.
Peter Saich
I met Peter many moons ago and he introduced me to Skeet shooting which I loved. Peter is an experienced clay and game shot, having been taught to shoot by his father some 40+ years ago.
He progressed from shooting vermin around the farm to competing at local clay shoots, where he won his first ‘senior’ trophy at the age of 15. Since that time, he has been involved with all aspects of the sport, is qualified as a safety officer and referee. He passed the CPSA Club Coaches course in 1982 and gained the Advanced Level Sporting coaching qualification in 1998.
Peter began coaching the members of his local Club as a hobby, which led to him working for a number of established Shooting Schools as a professional shooting instructor, including Bisley Shooting Ground, National Clay Shooting Centre, and a 15-year period at Lower Lodge Shooting Ground in Sussex. Peter is happy to provide lessons for all abilities from introductory lessons for novices, to refresher and problem solving lessons for game and clay shots of all ages.
In addition to this, Peter has provided ‘Instruction-on-the-peg’ at game shoots for novices and experienced shots. He is a Member of the National Association of Sports Coaches.
Peter is the President of Guildford and District Gun Club and a Director of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association.