I will let you into a little secret of mine!
Let me give you a little background of my career and back pain!
I first realised my back was not very strong was when I was 12 years old. I contracted glandular fever which unfortunately took me off school for two months meaning several weeks in bed. Once I had got back on my feet, I found my back was weak when lifting our little Jack Russel Dog called Mac. The pain was so severe I was doubled up on the floor. After a trip to the local Osteopath, x-rays taken, they showed one of my muscles had collapsed and my spine was bent. A life with back pain began.
Work was a problem….
Work was a problem as I always had to watch what I did, especially carrying so many cartridges for clients, but my main concern was the effect it had on my shooting. For years I shot in pain and I tried every kind of treatment. Some worked, but only in the short term.
Over 2 years ago I decided I needed to do something to maintain my back health myself. I am not one for classes and I had never done any alternative exercises, so asked my clients and Pilates was a name I kept hearing. One day, just by potluck, I found Nicola with a local search on google. I was very brave and asked for a 1-2-1, and I could do it all from the comfort of my home.
Nicola arrived and with me in my floppy tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt, we had a chat and assessed what I could do. We decided on a once a week, 1-hour program designed for me and my shooting.
Going to present day……
Going to the present day – I have been with Nicola for over two years now. Not only do I shoot pain free, but my scores have increased beyond expectations. Shooting without pain and shooting my techniques without thinking about my back has made an enormous difference. The muscles we work on change and the program always evolves from feedback and new ideas to help my shooting performance. I have never laughed so much, sworn so much and ached afterwards so much, but I’m no longer in pain and it’s all worth it.
The highlight was winning a Great Britain world team bronze medal last year in front of a home crowd, with my family and Nicola in the audience as I collected my first world medal on the podium.
Nicola holds classes every week, small groups and 1-2-1. Ask about the reformer – it’s awesome! If you fancy joining Nicola her contact details are below.
Nicola Jane Pilates
Mat and Reformer instructor. Biomechanics trainer.
Register of Exercise Professionals member.