Dear Friends,
Welcome to your member’s area of the website.
If this is your first visit, the one-time code you have just used to log in will allow you to access the area through the login button on the main website. You can access the area any time you wish using the email and password you have just generated.
If you are a returning member, I want you to know you are welcome back.
I am delighted, with the help of my dear friend Aidan, to have full access to the website. Please bear with me, as I have never had the chance to update my website before, so it is a work in progress as I learn what I can do on the site.
I have added my booking systems, which means you can book lessons through the website, and news will be added as often as I have some. Results will be available from the competitions and away days and hopefully much more. I will still use Facebook, but in this area, I intend to monitor the access and, hopefully, keep it as private as possible so it will be more personal and productive.
I plan for the site to be inclusive, and I would be delighted if you could help me. Please let me know if you wish to add any ideas, stories, articles, or topics. Any feedback would be very welcome.
In the meantime, I hope you and your families are staying safe, and I hope to catch up with you all very soon.
All the best,
Sarah x